1. Participation in the Current Trends in Natural Sciences International Symposium, 18 – 20 Mai 2023, Universitatea din Piteşti: Anca Nicoleta ŞUŢAN , Oana DRĂGHICEANU, Denisa Ştefania VÎLCOCI , Georgiana CÎRSTEA , Codruţ-Andrei MIHAI , Liliana Cristina SOARE. Evaluation of the in vitro bioactivity of Aconitum toxicum Rchb. extracts obtained through advanced plant processing techniques. Book of Abstract, p. 18., https://www.natsci.upit.ro/media/2448/ctns_book-of-abstracts_2023.pdf 2. Participation in the Current Trends in Natural Sciences International Symposium, 18 – 20 Mai 2023, Universitatea din Piteşti: Anca Nicoleta ŞUŢAN, Oana DRĂGHICEANU, Liliana Cristina SOARE, Helleborus species in traditional and folk medicine. Book of Abstract, p. 19., https://www.natsci.upit.ro/media/2448/ctns_book-of-abstracts_2023.pdf 3. Participation in the Current Trends in Natural Sciences International Symposium, 18 – 20 Mai 2023, Universitatea din Piteşti: Daniela BĂRBUCEANU, Nicoleta Anca ŞUŢAN, Ionica DELIU, Liliana Cristina SOARE, Evaluation of Asplenium scolopendrium extracts on Paramecium caudatum populations. Book of Abstract, p. 39., https://www.natsci.upit.ro/media/2448/ctns_book-of-abstracts_2023.pdf 4. Participation in the Current Trends in Natural Sciences International Symposium, 18 – 20 Mai 2023, Universitatea din Piteşti: Diana Ionela POPESCU (STEGARUS), Cristina MIHAESCU, Anca Nicoleta ŞUŢAN, Innovative analytical techniques regarding the determination of pesticide residues in agricultural soil matrices. Book of Abstract, p. 86., https://www.natsci.upit.ro/media/2448/ctns_book-of-abstracts_2023.pdf 5. Participation in the Current Trends in Natural Sciences International Symposium, 18 – 20 Mai 2023, Universitatea din Piteşti: Diana Ionela POPESCU (STEGARUS), Anca Nicoleta ŞUŢAN, Residues of polychlorinated biphenyls, organochlorine pesticides and heavy metals in environmental samples and bovine milk of several farms of South Romania. Book of Abstract, p. 87., https://www.natsci.upit.ro/media/2448/ctns_book-of-abstracts_2023.pdf 6. Participation in the Current Trends in Natural Sciences International Symposium, 18 – 20 Mai 2023, Universitatea din Piteşti: Oana Alexandra DRĂGHICEANU, Ionuț Alin BUNGĂU, Codruța Mihaela DOBRESCU, Anca Nicoleta ŞUŢAN, Liliana Cristina SOARE, S.O.S. Microplastic everywhere! Book of Abstract, p. 89., https://www.natsci.upit.ro/media/2448/ctns_book-of-abstracts_2023.pdf 7. Participation in the Current Trends in Natural Sciences International Symposium, 18 – 20 Mai 2023, Universitatea din Piteşti: Liliana Cristina SOARE, Oana Alexandra DRĂGHICEANU, Codruța Mihaela DOBRESCU, Anca Nicoleta ȘUȚAN, Ranunculus repens L. - A species with therapeutic potential. Book of Abstract, p. 106., https://www.natsci.upit.ro/media/2448/ctns_book-of-abstracts_2023.pdf 8. Participation in the 9 th International Erciyes Conference on Scientific Research, 17-18 Iulie, 2023, Kayseri, Turcia: Nicoleta Anca Şuţan, Valentina Diana Tîrlie, Claudiu Şuţan, Diana Ionela (Stegarus) Popescu, Liliana Cristina Soare, Georgiana Cîrstea, Denisa Ştefania Vîlcoci, Cătălin Ducu, The potential of biosynthesized metal nanoparticles in modulating the cytogenotoxic effects of heavy metals. https://www.erciyeskongresi.org/_files/ugd/614b1f_1ca66b442fd44362b7acc1d790d1e8cb.pdf 9. Participation in the International Conference „Clean Nature for Health“ 10 - 13 September 2023, Velingrad, Bulgaria: Anca Nicoleta Sutan, Ionica Deliu, Denisa Stefania Vilcoci, Georgiana Cirstea, Codrut Andrei Mihai, Lucian Stoica, Claudiu Sutan, Marian Catalin Ducu, Liliana Cristina Soare. Antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of extracts from Aconitum toxicum Rchb. Book of Abstract, p. 31., https://www.orgchm.bas.bg/priroda_za_zdrave/documents/ABSTRACT_Velingrad.pdf 10. Participation in the 24 th International Conference “New Cryogenic and Isotope Technologies for Energy and Environment", 18-20 Octombrie, 2023, Govora Băi, Romania: Nicoleta Anca Șuțan, Mihai Cortizo Pandeleanu, Codruța Mihaela Dobrescu, Oana Drăghiceanu, Cristina Soare, Denis Negrea, Diana Ionela (Stegarus) Popescu, Cytogenotoxic activity of Anemone nemorosa L. extracts and their nanostructured mixtures. Book of Abstract, p. 227. 11. Participation in the Sesiunea de comunicări științifice Ecologia și Protecția Ecosistemelor Ediția a XIV-a, 2-4 noiembrie 2023 Bacău, România: Nicoleta Anca Șuțan, Ștefania Mitroiu, Codruța Mihaela Dobrescu, Cristina Soare, Denisa Ștefania Vîlcoci, Georgiana Uță, Diana Ionela (Stegarus) Popescu, Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity assessment of Helleborus odorus Waldst. & Kit. extracts and their nanoformulations. Book of Abstracts, pag. 104. 12. Current Trends in Natural Sciences International Symposium, 19 – 21 Mai 2022, Universitatea din Piteşti: Liliana Cristina Soare, Oana Alexandra Draghiceanu, Nicoleta Anca Sutan. Phytotoxicity of Helleborus odorus Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd. extracts. Book of Abstract, p. 45. 13. 22nd Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Sinaia, Romania - September 7 – 9, 2022, Diana Ionela (Stegarus) Popescu, Oana Romina Botoran, Ecaterina Lengyel, Apostolescu Florian George, Nicoleta Anca Șuțan, Variability of active ingredients identified and quantified in buds and needles of Pinus mugo Turra from allopatric populations in Romania. Book of Abstracts, p. 145. 14. ECOLOGY AND PROTECTION OF ECOSYSTEMS SYMPOSIUM - THE XIIITH EDITION, 4th – 5th of November 2021, Bacau, Romania. 15. PRIORITIES OF CHEMISTRY FOR A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM- PRIOCHEM XVII, 27-29 October 2021, Bucharest, Romania. 16. CURRENT TRENDS IN NATURAL SCIENCES International Symposium, May 28 – 30, 2021 University of Pitesti, Romania. 17. 5th International Conference on Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences, 21-23 September 2021, Ağrı/Turkey, International, Interdisciplinary, Online. |