Consiliul Național al Cercetării Științifice
Colegiul Consultativ pentru Cercetare-Dezvoltare și Inovare
P4 - Cercetare fundamentală și de frontieră
Consiliul Național al Cercetării Științifice
Colegiul Consultativ pentru Cercetare-Dezvoltare și Inovare


Scientific report summary (2023)

Scientific report summary (2022)

Scientific and tehnical report summary (2021)

Results / Release


Patent applications

1. Procedure for obtaining plant extracts with a high content of alkaloids by ultrasound-assisted technology - no. registration: A00654/02.11.2023.

2. Process for obtaining plant extracts with a high content of alkaloids from the species Helleborus odorus Waldst. & Kit. using microwave assisted technology - no. Registration: A00655/02.11.2023.

ISI Articles

1.    Uță, G., Manolescu, D., Șuțan, A., Ducu, C., Din, A., Moga, S., Negrea, D., Biță, A., Bejenaru, L., Bejenaru, C., & Avram, S. (2023). Biogenic synthesis of noble metal nanoparticles using Melissa officinalis L. and Salvia officinalis L. extracts and evaluation of their biosafety potential. Caryologia

2. Colă, F., Bonciu, E., Colă, M., Șuțan, N.A. (2023). Evaluation of the antigenotoxic potential of fresh bovine whey in onion meristematic roots exposed to Quizalofop-P-tefuryl. Caryologia.

3. Popescu (Stegărus) D.I., Botoran O.R., Cristea R., Mihăescu C., Şuţan N.A., 2023. Effects of Geographical Area and Harvest Times on Chemical Composition and Antibacterial Activity of Juniperus communis L. Pseudo-Fruits Extracts: A Statistical Approach. Horticulturae, 9(3), 325;

4. Apostolescu G.F., Popescu (Stegarus) D.I., Botoran O., Sandru D., Şuţan N.A., Neamtu J., 2023. Chemical and Antioxidant Profile of Hydroalcoholic Extracts of Stachys Officinalis L., Stachys Palustris L., Stachys Sylvatica L. from Romania. Acta Chimica Slovenica, 70, 231–239.

5. Mareș C., Udrea A.-M., Șuțan N.A., Avram S., 2023. Bioinformatics Tools for the Analysis of Active Compounds Identified in Ranunculaceae Species. Pharmaceuticals, 16(6), 842.

6. Ponepal C.M., Soare L.C., Draghiceanu O.-A., Mihaescu C.F., Șuțan N.A., Tânțu M.M., Paunescu A., 2023. Evaluation of the Morphological, Physiological and Biochemical Effects Induced by Coragen 20 SC in Some Non-Target Species. Toxics, 11, 618.

7. Bonciu E., Paraschivu M., Șuțan N.A., Olaru A.L., 2022. Cytotoxicity of Sunset Yellow and Brilliant Blue food dyes in a plant test system. Caryologia, 75(2): 143-149.

8. Din A., Vîlcoci D., Cîrstea G., Negrea D., Moga S., Mihăescu C., Mitrea R., 2022. Characterization of ʻCabernet Sauvigionʼ pomace extract and evaluation of antifungal potential of Alternaria sp. and Fusarium sp. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 50(3): 12774. Doi: 10.15835/nbha50312774.

9. Popescu D.I., Lengyel E., Apostolescu F.G., Soare L.C., Botoran O.R., Șuțan N.A., 2022. Volatile compounds and antioxidant and antifungal activity of bud and needle extracts from three populations of Pinus mugo Turra growing in Romania. Horticulturae 8, 952.

10. Dumitrascu F., Udrea A.-M., Caira M.R., Nuta D.C., Limban C., Chifiriuc M.C., Popa M., Bleotu C., Hanganu, A., Dumitrescu, D., Avram S., 2022. In silico and experimental investigation of the biological potential of some recently developed carprofen derivatives. Molecules, 27: 2722.

11. Udrea A.M., Grădisteanu Pircalabioru G., Boboc A.A., Mares C., Dinache A., Mernea M., Avram S., 2021. Advanced bioinformatics tools in the pharmacokinetic profiles of natural and synthetic compounds with anti-diabetic activity. Biomolecules, 11, 1692.

12. Avram S., Stan M.S., Udrea A.M., Buiu C., Boboc A.A., Mernea M., 2021. 3D-ALMOND-QSAR Models to Predict the Antidepressant Effect of Some Natural Compounds. Pharmaceutics, 13: 1449. pharmaceutics13091449

Book and book chapters

1. Șuțan N.A., Popescu A., 2023. Genome editing by different site-specific nucleases and their applications in improving horticultural crops. In: Khan, Z., Shahwar, D., & Heikal, Y. (Eds.). (2023). Genome Editing and Global Food Security: Molecular Engineering Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture (1st ed.). Routledge., eBook ISBN 9781003382102, 34 pages

2. Vîlcoci D.Ș., Sutan N.A., Drăghiceanu O.A., Soare L.C., Cîrstea G., 2023. Nanoformulation Synthesis and Mechanisms of Interactions with Biological Systems. In: Khan Zeba, Sutan Nicoleta Anca, Nanoformulations for Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Risk Mitigation, CABI, pp. 18-35, ISBN: 978-1-80062-307-1,

3. Şuţan N.A., Şuţan C., Fierăscu I., Fierăscu R.C., Drăghiceanu O.A., Soare L.C., 2021. Applications of the Allium test in the evaluation of cytogenotoxicity. In: Fierăscu I., Fierăscu R.C, Soare L.C. (Editors), 2021. Development of plant extracts and innovative phytosynthesized nanostructures mixtures with phytotherapeutic applications, in order to reduce biocenotic stress in horticultural crops. Ruse Press, ISBN 978-619-91466-2-0, pp. 141 -160.

4. Heikal Y. M., Şuţan N.A., 2021. Mechanisms of Genotoxicity and Oxidative Stress Induced by Engineered Nanoparticles in Plants, in: Induced Genotoxicity and Oxidative Stress in Plants Z. Khan, MY. K. Ansari, D. Shahwar, (Eds.), Springer Singapore, eBook ISBN 978-981-16-2074-4, doi: 10.1007/978-981-16-2074-4, Hardcover ISBN: 978-981-16-2073-7, pp. 151-197.
